Thursday, 14 April 2011

More to "The System"

   Here are some more things that need to be included in "The System":

1) Writing Books - as you will see from my earlier posts, I feel it is important to include some Book writing in the System. By taking just 15 minutes per day, you could churn out a quiz book every fortnight.

2) Amazon reviews - I am convinced that sales of my own books go up the more reviews of other books that I do. This guess is backed up by some of the literature around the subject. Doing an Amazon review of a relevant title and a Listmania everyday would keep you ticking along.

3) In order to do relevant Reviews etc, you'd need to keep reading books so that you have something to talk about. Everyone knows tha reading is the best way to switch off in the evening as well. As part of the System, I'd make the last half hour of each day reading time.

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