Thursday, 16 June 2011

Ebay 5AM Moneymaker

   Nice piece here from Avril Harper regarding a moneymaker which she does, which ties up nicely with my system, and a method I was talking about a few months back. In a nutshell, look to see what sold yesterday on Ebay at £80 to £110. Research these items on Aliexpress. If there is a gold supplier on Aliexpress, who allows purchase of one unit, then list the item on Ebay (preferably on a Free Listing Day) with a long lead time. If your listing sells, get the Aliexpress guy to deliver straight to the customer. Bob's your uncle.

   Here is how Avril puts it:

#1. My favourite spare time moneymaker, practiced every morning, usually sometime between 5am and 6am is where you log into eBay and research one product you’ve never sold before but which you think you might enjoy selling. It could be anything you think will make money for you, maybe it’s something you read about in ‘eBay Confidential’, or perhaps it’s a product they mentioned on television news and you wonder if you could make money selling that item on eBay.

So you hit the ‘Advanced’ search button top right on eBay’s home page, then next page you key the product name into the search box, you tick ‘Completed listings’ further down the page, and then you click to ‘Search’.

Next page shows recent sales of products similar to those you are contemplating, and if you hit the button ‘Price: Highest First’ at ‘Sort By’ right of the screen, you’ll get to study the highest prices paid recently for those products. Then you check out sellers already making big money from those products and learn what you can from their listings before moving into the market yourself.

If there are hundreds of listings, it’s going to take more than a few minutes to find role models to study and to determine what price point seems to attract the highest number of sales and biggest profit margins for those other people. And that’s something you can do next time you have an hour to spare!

As an example, today I studied dolls’ house furniture and accessories, it’s a market I know targets passionate big spending buyers, people who never stop looking for new contents for their dolls’ houses.

And it’s also a market where people have paid up to £105 recently for miniature goods I know I can easily source from artists and craftworkers locally.

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