Friday, 5 August 2011

From Positive Money Ideas Feed - Adventure Tourism

   Many people love to travel but they hate the ordinary tours that take them to "boring" places. They're looking for something different, something exciting, something that's out of the ordinary. You would think that people go on holidays for rest and relaxation, but to a growing number of adventure enthusiasts, vacations are the perfect time to go on adventure, exploring new sights, doing stuff that they can't normally do where they live like mountaineering, rapid river kayakking, hiking, scuba diving etc.

   Do you live near a forest, a river, the ocean or mountains? Are you into extreme sports, and do you love the outdoors and being physically active? Now, do you love meeting and interacting with people? If this describes you, then why not consider making money in Adventure Tourism? Adventure tourism is basically whatever you make of it. If you're an expert scuba diver, then you could organize tours that take people around the best scuba diving sites where you live, or if your into mountaineering and you live near a mountain range that's known for it's spetacular sights, make yours a mountain climbing tour! This is a niche market where your clientele will basically comprise your non-regular tourists.

   You might want to start with conducting short trips for locals who live in your area, taking them on "mini" adventures. To organize a tour on a larger scale - say for international tourists - will involve considerable planning and costs. You could work with local travel agencies to promote your adventure tour, letting them handle the main job of guests' travel and boarding needs, while including your tour as part of their itinerary. You'll need to provide food and lodging for guests who need to put up overnight or for those who want to have an extended stay. Market your tour with high quality photos and detailed descriptions. If your target market is international, you'll want to have your own website. This is a great business for the active, adventure type person who loves meeting people!

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