Tuesday, 15 January 2013

My Predictions for 2013

1. Inflation will increase (in real terms - the figures might be doctored to show little change) and this will manifest itself through greater food bills, electricity bills etc.

2. Mortgage companies will continue their long thaw back towards high LTV mortgages.

3. War will continue to escalate and spread in the Middle East.

4. The Royal Baby will own the Newspaper front pages for a good month.

5. If the child is a boy, watch what happens with Prince Harry. He would then be surplus to requirements.

6. The invasion (and it will be an invasion) of Romanians and Bulgarians at the end of this year will cause a boom in the English housing market.

7. The next step on the European agenda is for Turkey and Russia to join the EU.

8. Quantitative Easing will continue under the spotlight. I think that interest rates will remain low. This consequently means that banks will continue to rake in massive profits.

9. The government will continue little cuts here and there where it suits their agenda (help the rich/ keep the poor down).

10. The Pensions crisis has been off the agenda for a while. Before long it'll be back and used for futher manipulation.

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