- Generally speaking we are no longer unionised. If we have a problem at work we can no longer go to our Shop Steward to sort things out. This can leave the workforce frustrated.
- The absence of a union presence can actually hold back the development of management skills. I bet the standard of management in the UK has not improved over the last 10 years (fake surveys in the papers might say something different).
- People are more wary of confrontation nowadays. In the past I'm sure that, on occasion, people would let off steam via a physical fight at work. Nowadays this would be a real oddity. Instead we are now in the age of the "internet troll". Sneakiness is rising.
In light of this, I bet that bespoke Voodoo Dolls would be an interesting wee business. Someone sends you a picture of the mark along with an address to send the doll to. You dress up a doll to look like the mark and send it off. That's it. All violent threats etc are implied by the receiver themselves.
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