Tuesday, 23 December 2014

James Altucher's 8 Point Shit Hit the Fan Plan

   "All aggression results from a lack of preparation". I truly believe that. Think about it. Think about the last time you were in a fight. Think about the last time you were in an angry slanging match. In every scenario I can think of I could've prepared better to avoid that fight. I like the idea of being prepared. Even to the extent of being a "prepper".

   Anyhow, I was reading James Altucher's plan on what you should do if you lose your job today. I think I can sum it up in 8 points:

1. Compile a list of companies you would be interested in working for. Think out 10 ideas on how you could add value to that company.

2. Make a list of people that you are grateful for. Reach out to them and tell them you thank them for their help in your life (Why? First of all this is going to make you feel better about losing your job. Secondly always remember that most jobs are never advertised. By reaching out you are reopening channels to someone who might be able to help you out).

3. Get a good suit and where it every day even though you are no longer going to the office.

4. Reconnect with absolutely everyone you used to work with and send them some ideas.

5. Slash your expenses.

6. Arrange lunch with some of the people you have reconnected with.

7. Use your free time to write a book.

8. Brainstorm ideas.

I have something to add to James' list. I think all of these things should be done BEFORE you lose your job. Remember - "All aggression results from a lack of preparation".

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