Friday, 30 July 2010

Foster Care

I've been trying to get Vicki to get into Foster Caring but she is not up for it at the minute. Perhaps she will be when she comes across this blog and reads this:

"Hi Everyone

If you are considering becoming a Foster Carer, and wondering whether you could afford to do this, you may be interested to learn that County Councils are shortly to be announcing professional level salaries to attract quality Carers with high life skills, to help meet projected demand especially for teenage placements.

By chance today, I interviewed a senior member of Hampshire County Council who gave me the following information which is to be announced in a press release in April 2008, together with a recruitment drive:-

A good skills level Foster Carer who takes on 2 children-salary =£550 p.w.

Plus, you are also paid a boarding payment of between £150-£209 p.w. for each child (amount depending on age of child).
[This payment is worked out as 50% more than you would have to pay if it were your own child]

So, for 2 older children: weekly salary = £550 + (2x £209) =£968 per week
This is a salary of £50,336 equivalent.

Other Councils In England and Wales are expected to follow suit.

This salary is intended to attract a high calibre of caring individual.
There is a 12 week course on Skills to Foster to complete, and professional support is always available.

Thought I'd share this with all you caring MSE'rs. HTH some of you. "

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