- Live as close to your main place of work as possible in order to keep commuting costs down.
- Walk to work if you can.
- Use a Carpet sweeper rather than a hoover.
- Wash your clothes in the sink with soap flakes.
- Take Navy showers.
- Ditch the TV - biggest waste of time going. Everything worth watching is now available on the net.
- Ditch the fridge. Buy fresh.
- Go with wood fuelled hot water.
- Ditch the home phone. Give out your mobile number.
- Get a PAYG mobile.
- Wear a bib when you eat - half of my washing is down to food stains.
- If you can get away with it, wear clothes that don't crease - jumpers, track suits, overalls.
- If you need a vehicle, opt for LPG.
- Wage war on Electric lighting. Are candles cheaper for reading in the winter.
- Get a brick in your cistern.
- If it's brown flush it down. If it's yellow let it mellow.
- Use a dedicated sponge or rags to wipe your arse. If that is taking things a bit too far then nick bog roll from work.
- Nick paper, pens and all stationery requirements from work/ the Bookies/ Argos.
- Don't bother with carpets or wallpaper - they're for posh folks.
- Rent out any space you can. Spare room, settee, floor space. There are some real desperados out there.
- You are your own gym. Anyone who pays £40 for a gym membership needs psychological help.
- 15 mins housework per day is enough for any household.
- Make sure every inch of garden space is getting used productively: Shed storage, green house, raised beds etc.
- Never leave the clock running on a DVD player/ Cooker/ Microwave/ Alarm etc. They are all burning Electricity for no apparent reason.
- Don't bother with alarm clock at all - use your mobile and charge that up at work.
- Go for a Clockwork radio.
- Get your council tax single person allowance sorted.
- Eat raw where possible.
- Go double duvet in the winter.
- Soap is just as good as shampoo and shower gel.
- Don't drink tea or coffee.
Obviously the majority of these are set up for Single men. Bang! I've just knocked your monthly Utility bill in half - at least.
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