Sunday, 2 October 2011

More logic

  Here are some more ideas I'd put into place if I was a Bachelor-Money-Making-Machine living the logical lifestyle:

  • Unless you are running an "Eddie Stobart-Style" business which has a USP of running clean lorries, then never wash your car. Leaving it dirty actually protects the paintwork. Ask any old Farmer the trick to a vehicle's long life and they'll say it is due to it being caked in mud for the last 35 years.
  • Wash your downstairs windows with vinegar and brown paper. A bottle of white vinegar will cost 39p out of Tesco and will last your for years. Decant it into a spray bottle (some member of your family will be throwing one out). Use the free newspaper that is distributed in all towns. Leave your upstairs window to get dirty.
  • Drink tap water. One of the most illogical things I do is spend £2 every couple of days on Cola and Irn Bru. I must have spend £5,000 to £10,000 on fizzy juice in my lifetime. It makes you fat, is full of calories and bad chemicals and rots your teeth. It also makes your body hungry so you end up spending more money on extra food. By switching to water you can avoid all these negatives. It is the logical thing to do.
  • I can't see a way of owning a property and avoiding Buildings insurance. The most logical thing to do would be to shop around for the cheapest - then max up your excess level in order to bring your premium down. Pay the yearly amount and shop around again next year.
  • Same applies for contents, except for the fact that if you are going to go hardcore and fly super minimalist, Contents insurance might actually be superfluous.
  • Using a Washing lines and Clothes horse as opposed to a Tumble driver is an obvious one.
  • Nick cutlery from work, cafes and restaurants.
  • Get yourself a water butt. If hot water isn't required then you could be able to use it for household needs. Obviously the water butt should cover you for all gardening water requirements.
  • When using the hob, always cover your pans. Stuff will cook much faster.
  • Holidays are for the Japanese - a change is as good as a rest.
  • Smoking is an absolute and utter no-no. There can be no bigger waste of money on the planet.

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