I've mentioned in the last couple of posts that I'm banned from Ebay at the moment. The circumstances which led to this were profitable albeit slightly dubious.
I listed a number of high-ticket electrical items on Ebay such as Ipods, TV's, X-box's etc. I made all these listings in the Information section and entitles them: "Find out how to get an X-box for a bargain price". As far as I could see I had followed Ebay rules. In my eyes I was selling information rather than the item itself. When anyone sent me an email enquiry I told them as such.
Nonetheless a large number of people paid high prices for this information, undoubtably thinking they were going to receive a widescreen TV for some riduculously small price.
In a 3 week period I sold £1500 worth on Ebay and received about £900 of that in. Ebay took £200 worth of fees leaving me with about £700.
Very quickly the complaints and negative feedback piled up as people began to realise that all they had bought was information. I fought Paypal and Ebay to ensure that refunds were not paid.
Eventually Ebay said they wished to close my account, which I agreed to. The annoying thing is that Ebay are chasing me for unpaid fees even though my account was cleared when they closed it down.
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