Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Your Big Fat Scottish BFF!

If Paris Hilton can do it then why can't I? I'm offering my services as a BFF4EVER, and unlike Paris Hilton the night won't end up with a poorly filmed porno movie - that's an optional extra. Here is the ad I'm running at the mo:

What is Your Big Fat Scottish BFF?

Your Big Fat Scottish BFF is a company that allows you to rent a Scottish friend anywhere in the UK. You can rent a local Friend to hang out with, go to a movie or restaurant with, someone to go with you to a party or event, someone to teach you a new skill or hobby, or someone to go to the Footie with.

Guaranteed Scottishness!

Your Big Fat Scottish BFF is strictly a platonic Friendship company. Your Big Fat Scottish BFF is NOT a dating website, and NOT an Escort agency. Services on Your Big Fat Scottish BFF are strictly for FRIENDSHIP purposes only.

Email to make further enquiries.

1 comment:

  1. No takers for your Big Fat Scottish BFF, probably just as well as I've lost two stones since I started writing this blog!

    Ross Taylor

    Author of:
    1000 Rock Hard General Knowledge Questions
    The Rock Hard Scottish Quiz Book
    The Rock Hard Unofficial Celebrity Quiz Book
    The No Nonsense Guide to Making Sure Your Child Gets a "A" at Key Stage 2 Maths

    Proprietor of:

