Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Bits and Bobs - Unclassified Ideas

When I see something I am interested in doing, but just don't have the time at the moment, I file it as an "Unclassified Idea". Here are some of the items which are in that file at the moment:

* Cyber Cyrano - writing people dating site pages.
* Betfair Bots.
* Collecting scrap wood.
* Personal Trainer.
* Collecting old clothes.
* Stock Control Consultant
* Mailbox rental
* Waiting in for delivery
* Chess tuition
* Virtual dating assistant
* Area check for families moving to a new town
* Reading books to people (is that kinky)
* Pooper Scooper
* Used female underwear
* Sending shit through the post
* Parking control agent
* Mattress recycling
* Single day car insurance
* Selling my own bottled water
* Providing Alibis
* Scottish clans top trumps game
* Hill walkers luggage transfer service
* Fake urine
* Organising a co-operative of all the hotels along a walking route
* Co-Op art gallery
* Weekend Personal Assistant
* Bodyguard

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