Saturday, 14 August 2010

More Bits and Bobs and Bright Ideas

* Guided tours of Scotland - I know Scotland like the back of my hand. I'd love to offer a bespoke tour to American families, totally tailored to their needs. Perhaps a guided tour of the most haunted places in Scotland, or a specific Battlefield tour for Historians.

* Leading hill walk expeditions - as above really

* Bookshop - as per previous posts. Buy job lots of books from Ebay (max price of 5p per book) and then sell individually on Amazon. Once I had 10,000 books in stock I'd consider opening a small high street concern.

* Motorbike recovery - do you need any special equipment, other than a van, to offer a motorbike recovery service?

* Before I was chucked off Ebay I found a profitable little system. Buy items from Poundland which are small enough to fit in a normal envelope (examples - toaster bags, kids stickers) and sell these at £2.50 Free Postage on Ebay. Some folks snapped this up. Every deal made about a pound after fees.

* Achievement newsletter - take an area, get mums and grans to send you details of when their kiddies get their latest scout badge, print it up and deliver it. Raise cash through selling adverts. Bit of a take on the little trade directories which have went through the roof in the last 5 years.

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